
Showing posts from June, 2017

Chaar Cheezhen!

Four Things - About me and my wishes! 1. I can doze off under the hot sun. Literally. Whenever I wait under the sun for somebody to pick me up while going out during the day, be it for a movie or anything else, I always, every single time, feel a little sleepy, even when I had had a sound sleep the previous night! Not sure if it is general human tendency or not, but I tend to feel drowsy when I am waiting or idle. I always love to have my day fully packed and bustling with activity, because empty days bring along laziness with it, which is something I am not very fond off.  2. People. People are my best medicine. If you find me sad or lost in thought, just bring a couple of people around and I would brighten up enthusiasm instantly. I love being surrounded by people. Its boosts me like anything. This doesn't mean that I need people around me to talk to all the time. I can be alone and still be happy looking at other people talking amongst themselves. My requirement is jus...