
Showing posts from November, 2020

11 Months!

Dearest Athiboy, You are just one month away from being a year old. I tried reading my older posts and started feeling nostalgic, because so much has changed since then and keeps changing all the time. One of the biggest changes is, the transition from the so-called social bird to a kid who gets a little scared when meeting new people. You are a happy kid in your home ground, but once we cross it, you tend to be a little worried and cling on to known faces a little more than usual. In home ground, you call random people on the road and laugh, smile and interact with them as if you'd always known them. But outside home ground, your usual self takes a backseat and you are quite tensed and worried. Your smiles are no longer toothless. You have 4 teeth now, 2 up and 2 down. You have learnt to bite things, like toys, spoons and waterbottles. Yet to start biting people.  This month, you have started to lift yourself up and stand with the help of support or by holding onto sofas. I simply