
Showing posts from December, 2020

ONE - 21.12.2020

Dearest Athiyan, Yayyy!!! We've reached the magical number ONE. Kudos to both of us for this milestone. You've grown from a teeny-tiny goofy little ball to a dynamic infant who is learning to communicate through actions / expressions and occasionally through an array of sounds (which is not understandable to grown-ups) I'm not sure what triggered it, whether your own realisation that you're going to be a year-old or the constant nag or pressure from the people around you, you managed to sit up on your own, finally. After almost about 3-4 months of trying and failing and almost giving up. And oh, even this sitting up, you do it only when you want to, and almost never do it when people request you to. Mostly you are happy swimming (read crawling) around the house grabbing and throwing out all that is within your reach. Thanks to the training of your thatha and paati, you have learnt to identify quite a few things in the house, and touch your head, ears, bangles and anklet