Athi Reads!
I wanted Athi appreciate the habit of reading and hence, introduced him to the world of books ever since he was 7-8 months old. We began with board books, moved on to flappy, push-pull-slide, and currently are at normal paper books for 2 year olds. I have been reading him this book called "Let's Go" for almost 2 months now. We read this every night right before sleep. He has been obsessed by it, but never opens his mouth to read or volunteers to say the next word when I pause. Worst case, he deliberately says the wrong sentence/word. There have been times when I wanted to stop reading because of such behaviour, but nevertheless we continued, both because of his persistence and my main motive to make him enjoy reading. A couple of days back, he did something that stunned me completely. He took out the book, read out it entirely on his own to his Paati, and made her recite each line after him. That kannula thanni vechunda moment - all those bedtime reading did eventua...