Malnad Ultra 50km

I sure am on a running spree this year, because surprisingly, after my finishing off my Maiden Half Marathon in February, I still continued running. After months of looking through the pictures of the scenic trials and the vast expanse of coffee plantations, and the greenery all around, I signed up for the Malnad Ultra 2018 as a part of the Chennai Trekking Club group. This is an event organised by GIREM and hosted Coffee Day across its Coffee Estates near the Bhadra Reservoir and Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary. There are 3 race categories - 50k, 80k and 110k respectively. Having run only a half marathon earlier, I naturally opted for the least distance of 50km.

The Malnad Ultra Trail!!

Training began with running in the Pallavaram Hills once a week and some hill runs over the weekend. It was all going good until June, till which time I ensured I had a mileage of atleast 100 km per month. July was the time when I started slacking. The complacency started hitting in, and my regular runs became irregular. My monthly mileage took a very big hit in July and August. I had run only around 6-7 days in the whole of those two months put together. And most of them were only runs during weekends which ranged anywhere between 18-25km. Running such distances isn't per se wrong, but running so much on only one day of the week is just not right.

Come September, I started realizing that I was running out of time and resumed my practice in the Pallavaram Hills twice a week. It was a struggle to make my mind to let my body wake up and go run there. Man, Discipline is so much of hard work, and there is no shortcut. 

The 50km Malnad Ultra has a total ascent of 1,545 meters and a time cut off of 9 hours. Additionally, there is a checkpoint at 17.2km which has to be reached within 4 hours. The 17.2km is the highest peak of the course (1,248 meters elevation) which gives you an aerial view of the Bhadra Reservoir

Venky had studied the elevation profile of the 50k run, broke down the entire distance into several chunks and prepared a time plan on how to conquer the Malnad Ultra. I decided to stick on this plan. Also, I was seriously very concerned about reaching the 17.2km checkpoint within the 4 hours cut-off time than about the 9 hours cut-off for the finish.

As the race began at 7:00 AM, the initial 4km gives you a real pleasure as it is all downhill and you can cruise through. Like everybody else, I was rolling on and managed to reach the first rest area which was at the 6km mark in an hour's time. It took us a couple of minutes of waiting time there as the volunteers had to manually note down our BIB numbers. After this checkpoint, the route was a gradual uphill where I kept tagging along with Suchi in steady jog initially and as the uphills became steeper I started walking. After quite a bit of walking and climbing the stairs, I managed to reach the 17.2km peak in 2:45 hrs.

The view from the peak, though not fully visible due to clouds, was amazing! I spent around 5 minutes there and as I was about to leave, I saw Venky come along and sneaked in a couple of group pictures which lead me to spend another 10 minutes over there.

17.2km Checkpoint. Photo Courtesy: Shrayas

So by the time, I started off down from the peak, it was around 6 hours in hand and 33 km to go. I was totally happy that I managed to reach the cut off well within the time. Now, that the peak is done, I felt the rest of the distance should be an easy way, which was a grave underestimation. I still continued running in the downhills and walking in the uphills. By the time I reached the 27km, I had only 4 hours to go. This is when I started panicking whether I would be able to complete within the cut off or not.

You see, when I read that time plan prepared by Venky, I conveniently ignored anything mentioned after that 17.2km, which is why the next climb which came at 30th km was a complete shocker for me. A killer uphill which did not seem to end at all. 30-34km was the toughest for me. I completely lost all the motivation to continue any further and so badly wanted to give up. As I pathetically continue to march on, alone, in search of an aid station where I could slump off, 3 people hurriedly cross me. It was none other than Ninja, Jackson and Rady. As Ninja and Jackson hustle forward, I tag along with Rady, my savior. Rady and I steadily tread downhill as he keeps suggesting me on better techniques and keeps pushing me to not give up. But suddenly on a downhill run, I kind of toppled a little and fell on to the ground face first. Luckily, I escaped unscathed, without a smallest scratch even. (My tee and BIB were completely ruined and made it look as if I had very bad fall though)

As we keep moving ahead, we reach the 42km point, where we see this pristine lake shining in the noon sun. Such a mesmerizing place it was. I decided to stop at the aid station next to the lake and have some lunch before moving further. As I eat, I see Anu coming down to us and we decide to march on together from here. We start moving ahead, only to see that its all totally uphill from here.. Though I had no specific injury, my knees and ankles were totally tired, and I was not able to run ib the uphills. 45 minutes in hand and 6.3km to cover, is when it dawns on me that I would not be able to complete within the cut off. However, Rady doesn't let me and Anu to quit, and keeps motivating us. Eventually we 3 hit the finish line at 4:19:20 i.e., 9 hours 19 mins, which is 19 minutes post the cut off!

Lake at the 42km point. Photo Credits: Jerry Jonathan

So yes, I survived the Malnad Ultra but hey, I would want to conquer it. Conquer that 50km within 9 hours! Will be back again with more disciplined training.

A huge huge shout out to Chennai Trekking Club for making us sign up for this event, organizing practice runs, arranging the travel, and lastly, for always being there. A special thanks to Rady for pacing me all the way till the finish line. I owe you a lot sir!

And finally, to the man without whose support and constant motivation all this wouldn't have happened - Venky - A thanks wouldn't suffice. Love you loads!

All the tired faces at the finish line. (L to R: Cappy, Anu, Me & Rady) Photo courtesy: @keepcalmandjusttravel 


  1. Wow!!! Many congratulations Gayathri!!! M jealous of you :D

  2. Ha ha! Thank you ! How are you btw?


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