10 Months!

Dearest Athiboy, 

You complete 10 months today. As I write this, I see you cutely sleeping at 7pm (Note to self: its going to be a midnight party) after tiring yourself out with almost 4 hours of non-stop play. 

Your sense of understanding and responding to people has grown immensely in the last few months, and in the last few days its been very visible. You know when people call you, when people point at something and ask you to look at it, you look and you exclaim in joy if its something that you like. And when people come over to you and ask whatever you have in hand, you respond and give it to them. I wonder how you have observed, understood and learned these.

You love all things moving. Right from moving cars to a flying bird or airplane. Moving things with light is your best mood cheerer, like, cars with lights at night, aircraft's light. Oh, how much you jump around in joy seeing them. Its a sight to cherish. Whenever you get bored of being inside home, you demand to be taken out on the road or to the terrace. Its only with seeing the cars or the birds that you fall asleep during the day, else day time naps are non-existent. For the last few days, you refuse to go near your Thatha when you're almost sleepy knowing very well that he might put you into sleep. If he takes you along even after your refusal, you start twisting and turning your face on his shoulders and eventually he lets you down on the bed and you start playing as if you had just woken up. So Thatha has accepted defeat and now, its Paati who is making you sleep during the day.

One thing that has changed quite significantly in the past one month is, you have known to identify me very well, and almost want to cling on to me whenever I am around. If I pass by you without acknowledging or playing with you, avlodan. You almost start crying. And off late, whenever I let you down or hand you over to anyone else, there breaks an almost instant cry, with tears streaming across the cheeks. And even during the nights when you start crying out in sleep, you refuse to stop crying even when V lifts you, but the moment I take you up in my arms and rock, you seem to slowly soothe down. This all feels so weird to me. I am in that stage where I am not sure if I should be happy that you like me so much, or worry that you are becoming a clingy baby.

Your naughtiness is growing by each passing day. And a couple of days ago, you crawled into the kitchen and opened up the drinking water tap, letting the water flow and started playing with it as if you were bathing. You want to go anything that is on the floor, and play with it, and put it into your mouth. Its becoming quite a task to stop you from putting things into your mouth and moving out things that could be dangerous for you out of your reach.

You are slowly getting used to meeting your cousins and relatives, and have reduced your panicky cries on seeing new people a little, and try best to respond to and play with them. This month beach trip was with your cousin, but you were so sleepy and a little too disinterested (may be because this was the first time the beach was sunny ever since we started going) and slept off midway. 

If there is one thing about you that drives me mad these days, it's the scratches and pinches you inflict upon us when we try to make you sleep. How many ever times, I cut your nails, they still seem to be quite sharp and eventually everybody at home have scratch marks in the neck and the arms. Isn't there an end to this?

You are quite an independent player and most often play on your own, when even if I insist on joining, you don't give a damn and continue on your own. Ball throws is one of your favourite game, and you love playing it with anybody. 

Looking forward to more fun times and less scratches from you,


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