
Showing posts from October, 2020

A run after what feels like an Eternity!

Given that I have documented every one of my running journey in this blog, it is only right that I document this here as well. So yes, I ran a 3k run today after almost 1.7 years. Ever since the Malnad Ultra got over, my running practices slowly dwindled and it came to a full halt as I got pregnant.  The first 3 months of postpartum went by in sleepless nights, endless eating and the onset of Covid-19. Towards the end of 3 months is when I decided I should atleast start walking. And so, I began walking in loops on the terrace. It was quite a task to walk that way, and I wasn't quite sure if it would really help. But something is better than nothing right, so I continued walking that way for a couple of months. The biggest trouble was, I couldn't be consistent with it. Some weeks, I walked almost everyday, in others, I skipped the walks for days together. Even after all this, I was still hesitant to run because I was not quite sure if my body was really ready for the run.  By Ju

10 Months!

Dearest Athiboy,  You complete 10 months today. As I write this, I see you cutely sleeping at 7pm (Note to self: its going to be a midnight party) after tiring yourself out with almost 4 hours of non-stop play.  Your sense of understanding and responding to people has grown immensely in the last few months, and in the last few days its been very visible. You know when people call you, when people point at something and ask you to look at it, you look and you exclaim in joy if its something that you like. And when people come over to you and ask whatever you have in hand, you respond and give it to them. I wonder how you have observed, understood and learned these. You love all things moving. Right from moving cars to a flying bird or airplane. Moving things with light is your best mood cheerer, like, cars with lights at night, aircraft's light. Oh, how much you jump around in joy seeing them. Its a sight to cherish. Whenever you get bored of being inside home, you demand to be take